Das etwa 50-köpfige Blasorchester ist eine Abteilung des Turnvereins Bad Orb. Es steht unter der musikalischen Leitung seines Dirigenten Ryszard Soberka.
Ein Musikausschuss, bestehend aus Mitgliedern des Orchesters, nimmt die strategischen und organisatorischen Belange der gesamten Musikabteilung wahr.
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TV Blasorchester Bad
The Blasorchester is a division of the TV Bad Orb 1868 e.V. a sports club with about 1500 members, located in Bad Orb, a town near Frankfurt in central Germany. Fifty musicians make up the main wind orchestra, with our musical repertoire containing newer arrangements of brass band music, popular hits, polkas, marches, walzes, film themes, as well as works of standard classics for wind orchestras. The conductor, Mr. Ryszard Soberka is a trained, professional musician, born and educated in Poland. We perform at various events in our town, as well as at sports and music festivals in Germany and have even played in other European countries. The musical training of our budding young musicians, beginning for some even at the age of five, is carried out mainly by members of the orchestra itself, all of whom are non-professionals but who are continuing their musical studies on a regular basis. In this early stage the youngsters learn to listen to sounds and how to react and move to them rhythmically. Subsequently the children learn to play the flute, then receive private tuition in the wind or percussion instrument of their choice. The chance of being tutored professionally is usually happily taken in order to improve their musical skills on their chosen instrument. The Bad Orb Blasorchester also maintains a youth orchestra (Jugend-Orchester) which is also directed by Ryszard Soberka and is made up of about twenty five young people aged between ten and fifteen years. Here the children gain the necessary experience for their future membership in the Blasorchester itself. A very small group - the Kärrners Buam - with a very special bavarian repertoire is another formation within the club.
Thanks to Friedhelm Fischer and his friend from New Zealand - the translator of the portrait above.
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TV Blasorchester Bad Orb
Le Blasorchester TV Bad Orb est une division du TV Bad Orb e.V. 1868 un club gymnastique avec environ 1500 membres, située en coeur d’Allemagne.
L’orchestre principal est un orchestre aux vents consistant de 50 personnes; le répertoire contient marches, polkas, musique pour vents symphonique et populaire. Le coducteur musical, Mr. Ryszard Soberka est musicien professionel, né et éduqué en Pologne.
L’orchestre se présente très souvent aux évènements diverses de notre ville de bains, en quelquels villes en Allemagne et même en Europe. L’éducation musical est maintenu par les membres, tous non-professionels (mais entraîné régulièrement en courses diverses) commencent avec des enfants de cinq ans en groupes. Des sons, des mouvements et l‘éducation musical est entraîné par les pétits. Aprés cette stage les enfants ont la possibilité jouer la flute à bec et d’apprendre les notes. Plus tard encore, en général l‘ enfant apprend un instrument aux vents à son choix chez nous. S’il y en a une chance d’éducation par un professionel, beaucoup des musiciens prends l‘offre de se perféctionner.
Aussi le Blasorchester Bad Orb maintient un orchestre nommé (Jugendorchester) consistant de 25 jeunes agés de 10 – 15 ans. Les jeunes, ayant déjà une quantité d’éxpérience, séraient les membres de l’orchestre démain.
Les Kärrners Buam – avec un répértoire bavarois traditionel forment la plus petite groupe en club.
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TV Blasorchester Bad Orb
Il TV Blasorchester Bad Orb è una divisione del TV Bad Orb 1868 e.V., un circolo atletico con circa1500 membri, che si trova nel cuore della Germania.La banda principale è composta da 50 elementi; i brani in repertorio sono marce da concerto e marce da sfilata, brani tradizionali tedeschi, musica sacra, musica da film, musica classica, moderna e pop.Il nostro direttore Ryszard Soberka è un musicista professionale, nato e laureato in Polonia. Ci presentiamo spesso ai manifestazioni del nostro paese, a diversi festival musicali tedeschi ed internazionali.L’educazione musicale per i giovani è abbastanza attiva. Gli insegnanti sono in prevalenza alcuni componenti della banda, ma anche i musicisti professionali. I primi lezioni per i bambini di 5 anni (nel gruppo musikalische Früherziehung) danno la massima importanza ad insegnare di ascoltare la musica e muoversi nel ritmo giusto e conoscere i basi della musica. Poi i bambini hanno la possibilitŕ di suonare il flauto dolce e studiare le note, dopo studiano uno strumento a fiato a scelta. La possibilità di essere insegnato da un musicista professionale è sempre ben accetto.Il Blasorchester Bad Orb contiene anche una banda per giovani (Jugendorchester), condotto anche da Ryszard Soberka, con circa 25 elementi all’etŕ di 10 a 15 anni. I giovani fanno l’esperienza di suonare insieme per diventare un membro del Blasorchester in futuro.Un gruppo piccolo della nostra associazione sono i Kärrners Buam, che suonano un repertorio tradizionale bavarese.
Grazie a Silke Kaiser per la traduzione